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Sounds from a Ghost

Ghost of Rucker, previously known as DJ Rucker, emerged from the shadows of Rochester, MN - United States. His journey through the sonic realms spans an impressive 25 years, and with his transformation into the spectral entity known as Ghost of Rucker, a new era of original music and captivating artistry was born.


The Origin

In the dimly lit studio of creativity, Ghost of Rucker found his muse. It was a moonful night when he created the haunting chords of “Dim Sum and Tears.” The notes filled with sadness, echoed through his restless and hurtful dreams. He knew then that he was destined for more—a conduit between the earthly and the ethereal.


Musical Alchemy:

Ghost of Rucker’s compositions defy genre constraints. His melodies weave through the fabric of time, drawing inspiration from the echoes of Alan Sutherland (Land of the Loops), and the album  “Security” from Peter Gabriel, and the raw authenticity of both. Yet, he remains untethered, forging a style uniquely his own. 


 An exploration of love that is lost and found

Ghost of Rucker’s legacy transcends mortality. His spectral tunes echo through the ages, reaching souls across dimensions. Seek him out in the quiet corners of forgotten internet stores, where few find themselves wandering. There, you’ll find the ghostly imprint of his artistry.


Listen to the haunting melodies of Ghost of Rucker on several platforms:


  1. SoundCloud: You can stream Ghost of Rucker’s music for free on SoundCloud1.

  2. Spotify: Ghost of Rucker’s music is available on Spotify1.

  3. Apple Music - iTunes: You can listen to Ghost of Rucker on Apple Music - iTunes1.

  4. iHeart-Radio: Ghost of Rucker’s music is also available on iHeart-Radio1.

  5. Shazam: You can find Ghost of Rucker’s music on Shazam1.

  6. Boom Play: Ghost of Rucker’s music is available on Boom Play1.

  7. Audio Mack: You can listen to Ghost of Rucker on Audio Mack1.

  8. JQOK: Ghost of Rucker’s music is also available on JQOK1.

Ghost of rucker computer ghost'.jpg
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